Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe

Victoria Falls itinerary

Victoria Falls itinerary


Victoria Falls is located on the Zambezi River at the Zimbabwe and Zambia border. The Falls are also called Mosi-oa-Tunya or The Smoke That Thunders. Victoria Falls is one of the seven wonders of the world. The falls are ~1.7km wide and ~108m tall. Some favorite activities in Victoria Falls include touring the falls, swimming at the Devil’s Pool, bungee jumping, Zambezi River sunset dinner cruise, crocodile cage diving, white water rafting, Chobe national park day trip, and the lion encounter. The best time to Visit Victoria Falls is from February to May. During this time, summer rains are mostly done, and the water level of Victoria Falls is at its peak. 

Below is my five (5) day itinerary for Victoria Falls that I did in December 2022. This blog includes the logistics as well as the activities we did. 

Day 1 : Drive to Bulawayo

We drove from Harare to Victoria Falls instead of flying because we wanted to have our car since our trip also included visiting Bulawayo, Hwange, and Matopos. Additionally, driving was cheaper for a group of 5 people; we didn’t have to pay for airport and city transfers or flight costs. Inter-city transfers were quoted for thousands of dollars.  

The first day involved driving from Harare and staying overnight in Bulawayo at Holiday Inn. The hotel cost was $158.99 per room, and we booked this through Expedia. It took us ~6 hrs to reach our destination. We stayed in Bulawayo to see some friends and take a break from the trip. We preferred driving during the daytime, given that the road from Bulawayo to Victoria Falls is a single carriage with many potholes. We err on the side of caution when driving, especially in Zimbabwe. We liked Holiday Inn because it’s in the city center, and there was a pool and restaurant, which we utilized for dinner, drinks, and breakfast. The food at Holiday Inn was buffet style, and we had to pay before eating. This is common at restaurants in Zimbabwe.    

Victoria Falls Safari Suites, Zimbabwe

Day 2 : Arrival in Victoria Falls and dinner at The Three Monkeys Restaurant & Bar

We woke up early, ate breakfast, and drove to Victoria Falls. The journey took us six hours. We were happy we went during the day when we could see potholes to avoid them. Upon arrival, we checked into the Victoria Falls Safari Suites hotel. We chose this hotel because, as a group of 5 people, the cost ($480 per night) was decent compared to other options, where a single person’s stay was at least $500 a night. Our setup had 3ish bedrooms, which worked well for our family. The third bedroom was an extension of the living room. We also liked that our hotel stay included a breakfast buffet with great views. 

After settling into the hotel, we ate dinner at The Three Monkeys Restaurant & Bar. The location was our tour guide’s (Peter Ndati) recommendation. Peter is a friend and my former French high school teacher. He came up with our itinerary for the whole stay, booked and accompanied us to all the activities we did. This was great because he taught us about Victoria Falls, the people, culture, fun facts, etc. While at the restaurant, we mainly got steaks and drinks; our food was delicious and flavorful.

Victoria Falls - The Three Monkeys Restaurant, Zimbabwe

Day 3 : Full Day Chobe Trip and BOMA Dinner and Drum Show 

We embarked on a day trip to Chobe National Park for a safari at $170 per person. Chobe was an hour’s drive from Victoria Falls. Given that the National Park is located in Zambia, we had to cross the Zimbabwe-Zambia border, known as the Kazungula border; thus, we brought our passports. Tip: when entering Zimbabwe, foreigners should consider getting a multi-entry visa. We parked our car at the Kazungula border on the Zimbabwean side before crossing the border on foot and being picked up by our Chobe tour guide in a safari car on the Zambian side. When we arrived at Chobe National Park, we got into a boat for a cruise on the Chobe River. While on the cruise, we saw hippopotami, elephants, birds, waterbucks, etc. At some point, a hippopotamus chased our boat, which was scary but fun. While on the boat, we were offered complimentary drinks and refreshments. 

Chobe National Park, Zambia

After the boat cruise, we had a buffet lunch at Chobe Safari Lodge before jumping on the safari vehicle for a game drive. We saw thousands of elephants and learned that there are over 60 000 elephants in the National Park. Additionally, we spotted giraffes, bucks, guinea pigs, buffalos, hippopotami, birds, etc. Given we went during the rainy season, the forest was bushy; thus, it was harder to see animals like lions. Tip: consider doing safaris in the dry season. When vegetation is brown/dry, it’s easier to see animals because they have less places to hide. We learned that during the rainy season, there are water puddles all over the park, which stops animals from needing to go to waterholes making it more challenging to see animals. Overall, we had a great experience. Given that we didn’t spot any lions, we signed up for a lion encounter tour back in Victoria Falls. My brother couldn’t join our Chobe National Park trip so he went bungee jumping and bridge sliding. Bungee jumping cost $160, and the Bridge slide was $45. 

Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe : Bungee Jumping

After the safari, we drove back to the Kazungula border post, did immigration procedures, got in our car, and headed back to Victoria Falls. We had the Boma dinner and drum show experience booked for dinner. The African buffet-style dinner curated from delicious traditional cuisines was $45 per person (tip: make a reservation in advance). The restaurant is always sold out, given it’s a must-do experience when visiting Victoria Falls. We had African cloth wrapped around us when we got to the BOMA entrance. As soon as we sat, we had servers come and help us wash our hands. We were offered a local brew before we enjoyed the meal. The meal involved an interactive drum show to entertain us. Artists provided face painting to those who wanted them. We joined the performers singing, dancing, and playing drums during dinner. A unique food offering was the Mopane worms which, if people tried, they got a certificate. Some family members tried it, but not me since I wouldn’t say I like the texture. Dinner included soups, choices of salads, vegan dishes, and lots of braai (barbecue for Americans), which had game meats, stews, and an array of desserts. Boma is unique for its cultural experience.  

BOMA Dinner and Drum Show, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe

  • Below is our schedule for the day trip :   
    • 7:15 am: Drive from Victoria Falls to the Zimbabwe-Zambia border, i.e., Kazungula 
    • 8:15 am: Go through immigration procedures and meet the Chobe National Park tour guide to take us to Chobe National Park
    • 9:00 am: Boat cruise on the Chobe River (drinks and refreshments included)
    • 12:30 pm: Buffet lunch at Chobe Safari Lodge in Kasane
    • 1:30 pm: Safari game drive in the park (drinks and refreshments included)
    • 4:30 pm: Drive back to Kazungula border and head back to Victoria Falls
    • 6:00 pm: Arrive back at Victoria Falls Safari Suites
    • 07:00 pm: Dinner at BOMA Dinner and Drum Show

BOMA Dinner and Drum Show, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe

Day 4 : Tour Victoria Falls, Flight of Angels helicopter ride, Lion Encounter and Zambezi Dinner Cruise

We finally got to the main reason for the trip and toured the mighty Victoria Falls. We spent ~2 hrs viewing the falls from various viewpoints. Hearing the sound of the water falling into the gorge was peaceful. We spotted people swimming in the devil’s pool and added this to our bucket list for our next Victoria Falls trip. 

Flight of Angels, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe

After touring the falls, my family bought souvenirs from the local stores before we departed for a helicopter ride. We learned that the helicopter ride is called the “Flight of Angels” because when David Livingstone first wrote about the Victoria Falls area, he mentioned that it is “a sight so wonderful that Angels must have gazed down on it in flight.” The helicopter ride was $150 per person, and we paid park fees of $25 per person. The tour was a spectacular 12-15 mins where we marveled at the aerial view of Victoria Falls. From the helicopter, we got a view of Victoria Falls, Batoka Gorges, Zambezi River, Victoria Falls bridge, Livingstone town, etc. Our takeaway was that the helicopter ride is complementary to the ground view, and although pricey, it was worth it. Tip: book an early morning or late in the day helicopter tour for the best views. 

Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe

                                                Above : View from the air                                             Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe

Above : View from the land

After the helicopter ride, we had the chance to buy pictures and a video that captured our experiences. Usually, we don’t pay for these tourist pictures and videos. Still, we made an exception and bought them to have the memories. We left the helipad and headed back to Victoria Falls Safari Suites to catch the vulture feeding, which happens every day at 1 pm. Unfortunately, it rained, so the viewing wasn’t the best, but we saw hundreds of vultures eating meat guides gave them. The meat was gone in a matter of a few minutes. While feeding the vultures, the guides also educated us on these birds and their value to society. 

We left the vulture feeding for the lion encounter, which cost $95 per person. We arrived at the lion enclosure and started by getting a safety briefing and signing waivers. Afterward, we got into a secured safari vehicle and headed to the enclosure with five lions. We saw all five lions; some roamed while others were resting. We proceeded to another enclosure, where we went to see hyenas. We saw three hyenas and walked toward them to capture pictures. After the hyena encounter, we fed ostriches and learned more about these birds. 

We concluded the lion encounter by witnessing “The Feast of Beast,” where four male lions ate. Guides set up meals for the lions, and the lions were let out and came charging for their food. Each lion went for its portion while making noises and sounds to signal the other lions not to mess with them or their food. In no time, the lions devoured and finished the food while we took pictures and videos. 

The Feast of Beasts : lions feeding in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe

Our last activity for the day was the Zambezi dinner boat cruise which cost $85 per person. Dinner was great, and performers were on the boat to entertain us. We enjoyed unlimited cocktails, snacks, and food while soaking in a peaceful sunset and admiring wildlife. It was great having a Zambezi (local beer) while on the Zambezi River. 

Zambezi River Dinner Boat Cruise

Day 5 : Crocodile Cage Diving and Departure Day

We woke up early, changed into our bathing suits, and went for crocodile cage diving. This activity costs $70 per person. When we arrived, we got a safety briefing before putting on masks and diving gear and learning communication signals for when underwater. The activity starts with the cage being suspended and lowered into the pond. Two crocodiles are then enticed with food and swim into the pond toward the cage. The instructor takes pictures and gives instructions for what to do throughout the activity. If someone gets uncomfortable, one tells the instructor, who then ensures the cage is raised. During crocodile cage diving, we fed the crocodiles and touched their skin. It was also great to see them from close-up and from different angles too. Crocodiles have short legs, thick, scaly skin, and massive, scary jaws. We were submerged in water for about 20-30 mins.

        Crocodile Cage Diving, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe  Crocodile Cage Diving, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. Crocodile Cage Diving, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe 

After the activity, we put on our change of clothes. We used cash to buy the memory card with pictures and videos of us crocodile cage diving. After our activity, we headed to the hotel to shower and check out. Checkout was at 10 am, and as soon as we checked out, we grabbed food before heading out to Hwange for our next adventure. You need to bring a change of clothes and diving gear is provided. Tip: bring a wetsuit if doing this activity in winter. 

What to bring for the trip

  • Insert repellent 
  • Camera
  • Binoculars 
  • Suitable clothing 
  • Sunglasses


  • For booking accommodations, we used a travel agent, i.e., Mbuso. Before the trip, hotels requested names, room configurations, special interests, arrival and departure details, special requests, dietary requirements, medical conditions, emergency contact details, etc. We were happy with the service rendered; thus, we recommend Mbuso travels. In terms of paying for accommodation, I sent money to Mbuso using World Remit. I had to pay a 30% deposit and then pay the balance over two months without interest. 


  • There are activities we couldn’t do due to time constraints. Here is a list of activities we missed and hope to do during our next visit: 
    • Visiting The Big Tree, i.e., 2000-year-old baobab tree
    • Lunch at the Lookout cafe
    • Zip lining 
    • Elephant Sanctuary and Orphanage 
    • Bridge slide
    • Bridge swing 
    • Canopy tour
    • Gorge swing
    • Whitewater Rafting

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